Enriching your children by allowing them to discover their creativity, whilst producing a solid foundational vocabulary and broadening their deep thinking to enhance written skills, giving them the prospect and confidence to grow into future influential leaders. {Available for children K-Year 12}

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world – Nelson Mandela

Interactive Learning on a tailored road map.

Repetitive Correction to gain skills on a creative front.

Igniting their passion whilst mastering their unique thinking process and empowering their confidence in writing.

Dedicated teachers

Highly skilled Tutors with an abundance of knowledge and expertise, whilst providing clarity to every parent about their children’s learning.

Highly skilled Tutors with an abundance of knowledge and expertise, whilst providing clarity to every parent about their children’s learning.

small classes

Offers more in depth and personalized learning and attention to meet the individual needs of students. Feedback and revision from tutors after completion of each lesson.

Offers more in depth and personalized learning and attention to meet the individual needs of students. Feedback and revision from tutors after completion of each lesson.

premium programs

Tailored programme to suit students needs and requirements. Align the lesson plans and teaching methodology with the State Curriculum.

Tailored programme to suit students needs and requirements. Align the lesson plans and teaching methodology with the State Curriculum.

What makes us different from other schools?

Techniques -
We provide our
students with
step by step

Tools -
Through mentoring,
we give our students the

Technology -
We incorporate interactive smart boards in our classrooms to stimulate our

Teachers -
At www Writing College, we ONLY recruit highly qualified NSW Primary and

Our Course

Experienced and Professional Teachers

Focus On Creativity and Skill Learning

Individualized learning

Affordable fees

Online and can be accessible everywhere

Tools and Resources catered to lesson plans.

Revised and Repetitive Techniques

World Class State of the Art Leading Technology

Other Courses

New teachers

Focus on general writing

Group learning with less attention to individuals

Very expensive fees

Physical classes only

Minimal Resources

Poor Technique

Older Technology

cultivation of grading ability

Grading will be enforced by separating the students into different grades e.g., Preschool, Primary and High School. This will allow students to be in classes with children their own age and also have the same abilities.

Early Child Learning

Happy and Confident introduction before they begin Kindergarten, it is designed to capitalize and tailor to individual needs while informally exploring the creativity of their daily life.


Learn in an environment where teachers support and empower while building a strong understanding of English skills.

High School

Developing passion for learning through our unique teaching style, while taking part in complex and sophisticated tailorized lesson plans. Learning in a more cognitive perspective.

Something Else You Might Want to Know?

Each student’s writing will be marked carefully by adhering to strict guidelines in accordance with the NSW assessment criteria and Australian NationaCurriculum Assessment Scheme.

Come and visit our E Writing Academy and view some samples of marked work. You will be impressed by the vigorous details and feedback provided by our teachers.

We keep detailed records of all the work that each and every student has produced in order to track their progress in a timely manner. You will see a vast improvement. We guarantee it!