Children can be enrolled at any time during the year. We offer classes on a term basis as well as also conducting classes throughout the holidays.
An assessment will be conducted at the time of the level and adequality placed into a group classroom which will be suited to their specific level, based off the initial assessment.
Online Education provides the opportunities to learn in either a one-to-one setting or a small group. With online learning it can be completed wherever you may be, you will not need to travel to one specific location each week.
All material will be provided throughout the lesson. Homework will also be given regularly after each lesson. Either one of the following is essential, Computer, Laptop, iPad etc, a printer will also be required to print lesson material.
No, however it is advisable to read over the last lessons materials to familiarize yourself with the learning. Homework will need to be completed before the next lesson. It is highly recommended to read a book frequently to enhance your vocabulary.
During the school term, lessons will go for roughly 10 – 11 weeks depending on the current term layout. During the holidays January Holiday Programme will run for 3 weeks and April, June, October and will run for 2 weeks. The lesson duration is maximum up to 2-3 hours.
Students have the opportunity to have one on one learning or group learning. Group learning will be up to 4 students maximum.
Classes will be held in regards to the national school curriculum, the structure will run from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.
You can email or phone us. Or alternatively you can enrol via our website.
All specific areas of the English language will be taught with specific focus on writing and analytical thinking to enhance writing.
Cultivate the passion of writing to enhance the skills and build confidence in English writing.
Certificates will be rewarded to students once they progress up the levels. Progress reports will be sent out half yearly.
Unfortunately, we do not have this offer available currently
Yes, students will be required to submit writing homework each week prior to class.
If there is an interruption to lessons we will resume as soon as possible or be in contact. You will need to ensure that your WIFI is at a strong capacity.
Teachers will be available to chat with via email.
Homework will need to be completed in their own time prior to the lessons. Specific writing tasks will take place throughout the duration of the lessons
The classes will be available according to the levels based off the timing. It is not a fixed timing or day and could change each term.
We highly believe that there is not much difference due to the fact that the teacher can still physically see the students and set the work in the same principle as to what they would in face to face learning.